Shechinah Association Johor Bahru Logo
Shechinah Association Johor Bahru Logo
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Join Us in Providing a Haven: Support Our Halfway House Rental Fundraiser

Dear Friends, In every journey toward recovery, there's a pivotal moment where hope meets opportunity. For many, that moment comes when they find themselves at a crossroads, seeking a safe space to rebuild their lives. This is where our halfway house steps in – a beacon of light amidst the darkness, offering solace, support, and a second chance. Imagine a place where individuals transitioning from addiction, incarceration, or hardship can find refuge. A place where they're not judged by their past, but instead, uplifted by the promise of a brighter future. This is the vision we're striving to realize with your support. Every dollar raised for our halfway house rental goes directly toward providing shelter, guidance, and resources for those in need. It's more than just a roof over their heads – it's a sanctuary where they can heal, grow, and rediscover their sense of purpose. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, makes a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve. Together, we can turn despair into hope, and uncertainty into possibility. Join us in building a community where compassion knows no bounds, and where everyone is given the chance to thrive. Thank you for being a beacon of hope in someone's journey toward recovery. Your generosity transforms lives and paves the way for brighter tomorrows. With heartfelt gratitude, Shechinah Association Johor Bahru

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RM 10.20
by malaysiakini

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