Ferris Wheel Organisation Logo
Ferris Wheel Organisation Logo
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Ferris Green Project (First Urban Farm for Charity)

Ferris Green Project aims to create sustainable charity works by creating an ecosystem that is able to self sustain to generate funds to support the marginalised communities through our urban farm. With FGP, we are able to grow healthy organic vegetables that the communities can purchase and 100% proceeds will be channelled back to support the needy through our Yellow Bag Campaign which provides relief aid by giving basic necessities such as rice, noodles, dry food, hygiene kits, etc. This enables us to continuously help the needy through this sustainable ecosystem because after each harvest, we are able to grow the vegetables again -> harvest again -> support the needy again and this cycle repeats! FGP also empowers our local communities by providing employment opportunities and income for single mothers who help out at the farm. Be part of this exciting project and see how your contribution today can create a continuous positive impact for tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow!
Reached : RM 120
Goal : RM 10000
Thank you for the support, we have reached the end of our donation campaign.
by malaysiakini

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