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Open Election Data

2025 marks the 10th anniversary of Tindak Malaysia's venture into open election data. Our Open Election Data (https://github.com/TindakMalaysia) hosts a vast array of election-related data and relevant files about the redelineation exercise. We are seeking funds specifically for the ongoing works of releasing by-election datasets from 2018 to 2024 and uploading historical documents related to redelineation. Our By-Election datasets are found here (https://github.com/TindakMalaysia/By-Elections) and the datasets present a unique opportunity for any interested individuals to learn about elections from multiple angles. More importantly, with this vast array of detailed election data, one is freed to explore election outcomes beyond the realm of racial politics. We hope that our by-election datasets will lay the basis for more non-racial politics in Malaysia. Moreover, we do release a detailed breakdown of postal vote categories via this platform. This is to help any advocacy work to reform the postal vote. Secondly, we intend to release documentation and datasets about historical redelineation exercises. This is to address questions about malapportionment, gerrymandering, and the impact of unfair boundaries on Malaysia. Recently, there was a recurrence of claims that Peninsular Malaysia absorbed 15 former seats of Singapore in 1965. We, Tindak Malaysia, uploaded relevant files that nullify such claims. They can be accessed here - https://github.com/TindakMalaysia/Historical-Redelineation-Exercises-of-Malaysia. This is an ongoing work of bringing information on different redelineation exercises. Thirdly, these funds raised are to help us tidy our GitHub portal. We are in the process of restructuring the contents of GitHub so that they are accessible and easy to understand for the members of the public. In short, our open election data initiative is: - Open the eyes of the public to learn about elections beyond the racial lens. This is to lay the grounds of non-racial politics in Malaysia - assist in advocacy works for election matters - to educate the public on the impact of unfair redelineation exercise

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RM 10.20
by malaysiakini

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