Improving water access in the isolated rural Sabah community of Kampung Kiau Taburi

Hopes Malaysia is empowering an isolated Sabah community with sustainable clean water access, ensuring everyone's needs are met. The current gravity water system falls short in safety and capacity. We'll collaborate with villagers to reinforce the central storage, enhancing its capacity, safety, and landslide prevention measures. Villagers will actively participate in these improvements, utilising the enhanced water supply for long-term sustainable livelihood activities, including farming.
Target Beneficiaries
1050 villagers (mainly B40, underserved families) in Kampung Kiau Taburi. This includes 200 families; 180 houses; Impacted infrastructures: 2 churches, 1 kindergarten, rural clinic and community library.
Kampung Kiau Taburi, Kadamaian area of Kota Belud, Sabah
Funding Goal
RM 50,000
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Project Lead

Hopes Malaysia will be working with the rural community of Kampung Kiau Taburi to reconstruct their damaged gravity water system’s storage, sustainably improving clean water access for 1,050 villagers. Thank you so much to HEINEKEN Cares for your tremendous belief and support in our humble team's impactful work third year running, and Sokong for supporting and funding our sustainable initiative. We are overjoyed to come together to bring Sabah's rural families a brighter 2024!

Aaron Bosuang

Public Relations Executive

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In the spirit of giving, HEINEKEN Cares and Sokong by Malaysiakini join hands to spread the joy of true togetherness. Let us help NGOs and social enterprises to strengthen community resilience. For every RM10 you give, HEINEKEN Cares will match it with an additional RM40. Make your donation today!

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by malaysiakini

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