Food Aid for Underprivilleged Communities in Kuching

This food aid item project involves the distribution of basic food items to Hope Place beneficiaries. The primary goal is to provide nutritional support to those in need, addressing hunger and malnutrition. Our primary mission is to alleviate the struggles faced by underprivileged communities, like B40 families with schooling children, single parents with schooling children, abandoned elderly, people with chronic illnesses and people with disabilities (OKU).
Target Beneficiaries
299 beneficiaries under Hope Place care
Areas in Serian, Padawan and Kuching, Sarawak
Funding Goal
RM 44,000
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Project Lead

We are grateful to have the HEINEKEN Cares program that has been making a positive impact on the community by providing basic food aid to underprivileged families especially those located in Sarawak. Your noble cause provides those urban poor to be able to receive a better quality of life. We believe your good work will surely inspire others to contribute to the community too. Let us step out to make a difference.

Yong Tiong Yieng

Operations Manager

Cheers to Giving Back

In the spirit of giving, HEINEKEN Cares and Sokong by Malaysiakini join hands to spread the joy of true togetherness. Let us help NGOs and social enterprises to strengthen community resilience. For every RM10 you give, HEINEKEN Cares will match it with an additional RM40. Make your donation today!

Spread the Joy of Giving

Already contributed? Share the spirit of giving with your friends and family! Spread the word about our cause and encourage others to join in.

by malaysiakini

Join Sokong today and together let's empower giving and elevate impact for a better tomorrow.